Cork City Libraries Events Guide Oct Nov 2024



Harbour View Road, Knocknaheeny

October | Tuesday 1 | 10 am | Library Book Club Monthly Meeting. New members always welcome October | Tuesday 1 | 11.15 am | Tea, Biscuits and BorrowBox. For Positive Ageing Week pop into the library for a cuppa and a chat about the magic of BorrowBox. Learn how to access a world of eBooks and eAudiobooks in a few simple steps. All welcome. No booking required. October | Tuesdays 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 | 2 pm – 3 pm | COPD Support Group If you or a loved one has COPD you are welcome to attend. It's a great opportunity to meet other people living with COPD and share your experiences over a cup of tea and a chat. If you wish to join the COPD Support Group contact Katie Macintyre Support Coordinator, COPD Support Ireland at 083 086 4118 or email October | Tuesdays 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 | 11.30 am | Ukulele Jamming Session for over 55’s. Good knowledge of chords and ukulele needed. New members welcome. October | Wednesdays 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 | 10 am | Story, song and rhyme for babies and toddlers. Supported by Let's Grow Together and Deirdre Ryan, this is a fun and interactive storytime session. A free event, booking not required. October | Wednesdays 2, 9, 16, 23, 30 | 10 am | Crochet and Knitting Group for adults. Knit and natter over a cup of tea, new members always welcome. October | Thursday 3 | 11 am | Gramophone Circle The Gramophone Circle plays music for all tastes, opera, folk, pop, ballads etc. Presented by John Hartigan. New members welcome. October | Thursday 10, 17, 24, 31 | 10 am – 12 noon | Neu-Words Neurodiverse Adult Creative Writing Group Are you looking for a new way to get creative in a neurodiverse-friendly space? Then 'Neu-Words' could be for you! 'Neu-Words' is neurodiverse adult creative writing workshops being held in Hollyhill Library for 4 Thursdays in October. The course is autistic led and in a private room to minimise noise and distractions. Booking is essential. For more details, please call 021 - 492 4928 or email October | Fridays 4, 11, 18, 25 | 10 am | Guitar Jamming Session for adults. New members always welcome. Good knowledge of chords and guitar needed. October | Friday 4 | 12.30 pm | ALONE presentation. For Positive Ageing Week ALONE will give a free talk on their services for the older person. ALONE is a national organisation that enables older people to age at home. Individualised support plans address health, financial benefits and supports, social care, housing with support and technology for added safety. If you, or an older person you know needs support of any kind, you are welcome to attend this free event. Booking not required. ALONE Tel: 0818 222 024. October | Friday 18 | 1- 2.45 pm | Conference Let’s Get to Know Kidscope. Join us for a half day deep dive into the Kidscope Paediatric Clinic, a unique Community- Based Paediatric Developmental Clinic in the Northwest of Cork City. Speakers include Dr Lynn Buckley and Dr Louise Gibson, Community Consultant Paediatrician and Clinic Lead and other members of the Kidscope team. Booking essential. Please register on Eventbrite tickets-950855794277

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